Category: Autism
WE MADE IT! World Premiere!
We are happy to announce that the world premiere of “Man made epidemic” will take place at the Curzon Soho at 12:30. Doors open at 12:15. If you would like to buy tickets, please write an email to : . A Q&A will take place after the screeening from 14:00 – 15:00. Adress Curzon Soho: 99 Shaftsbury Avenue, London W1D 5DY. We hope you will all be able to make it!
Your Man Made Epidemic Team
Man Made Epidemic pulled from East End Film festival amid outside pressure
“Man Made Epidemic” by German filmmaker Natalie Beer has been pulled from London’s East End Festival. The film had originally been chosen to premiere at the festival on the 25th of June. The festival director decided to withdraw the film last Friday after a hefty discussion on their Twitter account had arisen. This is the second film dealing with vaccine safety being pulled from a film festival within a few months. Earlier this year Robert de Niro bowed to outside pressure and pulled the documentary Vaxxed from the Tribeca Film Festival.
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